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Mini Tips

Expandable property:
targetting an instance but some of its properties look like they have no child values? The solution relies on the decoration of your properties by a specific attribute.


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Hide some members of an enumeration:
yes this is feasible with .Net 2.0. You just need to use the BrowsableAttribute class on the fields you want to hide.


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Localize the description:
It takes deriving the DescriptionAttribute class and supply your own DescriptionValue property. This is explained by Microsoft in MSDN.


Turn a string into a password:
Just apply a PasswordPropertyText attribute to your string property and voila!

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Smart PropertyGrid for MFC is now distributed free for personal and commercial use.


- StackOverflow
- HanselMinutes
- Joel On Software
- WorkHappy
- LifeHacker


The PropertyGrid control in the .Net environment is one of the controls the most difficult to grasp. Resources are spread all over the web and you will be lucky if you find a solution to your particular problem involving very precise keywords. This web site wants to gather all known and less known PropertyGrid tutorials and resources on various subjects. Otherwise, you can get qualification help and order essay online from where proven information and scientific studies are used. Tags will help classify this amount of informations to help you search what you need. You are very welcome to consult this list, come back to see the last additions (rss feed also available) and submit the resources you found or wrote yourself.

This site also features Smart PropertyGrid.Net, a commercial package that proposes the most powerful alternative to the Microsoft solution. You may want to explore its features and see if it is more suitable for your end-users in terms of customization, flexibility, usability and accessibility.

Bending the .NET PropertyGrid to Your Will

Tony presents on CodeProject one of the most famous articles ever written about the PropertyGrid. His goal was to make the control more usable by introducing the notion of dynamic content. The class PropertyBag, the facade of his framework, handles beautifully this dynamic aspect by hiding all the complexity of PropertyDescriptors. Read more...

Getting the most out of the Propertygrid

This article, hosted at MSDN, will give you all the basics to understand the classes involved in the management of the PropertyGrid. It reviews all the things you should know, from the use of attributes to the TypeConverters. This reading is a must. Read more...

.NET matters, ICustomTypeDescriptor, Part 1

Based on a practical example of an autogenerated class that exposes no properties, only public fields, this article explains how the PropertyGrid can be fooled into thinking that each field is actually a property by deriving from ICustomTypeDescriptor and publishing a custom set of properties (PropertyDescriptors). Read more...

.NET matters, ICustomTypeDescriptor, Part 2

This article is an extension of the same one labelled "part 1" but this time focuses on what has been added in the .Net framework 2.0. The class TypeDescriptionProvider is introduced, which allows not to modify an existing target class with the ICustomTypeDescriptor interface code by registering itself as a provider for the target class. Read more...

An ASP.Net PropertyGrid

In case you need a PropertyGrid on a web page, this is the place to go and it is called xacc.propertygrid. Basically it says that it contains all the functionality of the WinForms PropertyGrid, with the exclusion of editors and designers. Read more...

Tags: ASP.Net

User Interface Type Editors Overview

Nice introductory article from Microsoft if you are into developing your own editors for complex property types. It's like a step by step guide and will tell you what to derive from and what to override. Read more...

Customized display of collection data in a PropertyGrid

This CodeProject article, like several other resources, teaches the use of custom type descriptors and type converters with a very practical example. The goal is to display as humanly as possible a collection of employees. Read more...

Globalized property grid

Based on a very practical example where the author's goal is to localize, thanks to the use of resources, the property labels and descriptions, you will again learn a lot about the ICustomTypeDescriptor interface. Read more...

Programmatically resizing a column in a propertyGrid

This is a trick that I discovered myself while wanting to help a fellow programmer in the newsgroups. This trick is the only that I know that enables to resize the label and value columns. It is practical at initialization time depending on the content (text lengths) you have. Read more...

The PropertyGrid Thomas Becker

A very nice presentation with slides, as a pdf document, summarizing all aspects of the PropertyGrid by Thomas Becker. Read more...

Custom error dialog

You know that when entering a value that is not compatible with the type of the property, the PropertyGrid fires a not very user friendly popup. Someone in the MSDN forums posted a hack that enables you to use your own dialog. Read more...

Creating property editors (UITypeEditor helper)

A helper class in a CodeProject article that enables to easily create a new modal or dropdown UITypeEditor. Read more...

Delving into the depths of WinForms Controls

The first post of this new blog is another hack to set the width of the property label and value columns. The author promessed to add other resources concerning the PropertyGrid. Read more...

Dynamic content for the combobox

This article shows how to setup a combobox based on a mapping of pairs. While the article is written for Smart PropertyGrid, it is very useful to get the same result in the Microsoft PropertyGrid. You will simply replace the last section by another technique, like requesting the integers and displayed strings through the target instance accessible with the ITypeDescriptorContext parameter of the TypeConverter's methods. Read more...

An editor for string collections

There is a nice post in the newsgroups about how to avoid the "Constructor on type system.string not found" when editing a collection of strings. This is a question often asked so it is worth reading the two proposed solutions. Read more...

Default value for Enums

Where one learns that a bug in VB2005 prevents from setting a default value for an enum with the usual DefaultValueAttribute's constructor. Here is the fix. Read more...

Extending the PropertyGrid with a new PropertyTab

This CodeProject article demonstrates 2 things: how to add a tab to the PropertyGrid and how to display an icon at the right side of property labels. Read more...

This list is intended to grow. If you have any good resource link to include in this list feel free to use the contact form.